Call for submissions

Call for papers and for workshop organisation

  • Please, submit your proposal to contribute to the topics covered by the Festival (i.e., any form of symmetry, dissymmetry, antisymmetry, asymmetry, invariance, symmetry breaking, harmony, proportion, golden section, groups and their geometric and algebraic representation, etc., ….) with a report on fresh results, or review the latest developments in your field(s) of interest. Interdisciplinary approaches are appreciated.
  • Please, consider in designing your presentation the variety of backgrounds of the expected audience. The main aim of the Festival is to exchange methods, approaches and ideas between the representatives of the various disciplines. Note, symmetry is a common language for all of us gathering in Karlsruhe (Germany) in July. Papers encouraging discussion are preferred.
  • Presentation of papers is not the final aim of your participation, it is only an initiating phase to continue discussion between and after sessions at a coffee, tea, beer or wine, in the exhibition area, during the social events. The organisers will be most satisfied by follow-up co-operations initiated by the intellectual contributions to the Symmetry Festival.
  • Please, invite your interested colleagues in your institution, in your geographic region, in your thematically close scientific community all over the world. We will be pleased if you can invite people in the company of whom you and we will feel ourselves in a more comfortable intellectual atmosphere.
  • We would like to rejuvenate the symmetry movement. Please, invite your students! Special discount registration rates are offered for students. Note, the future of our present efforts depends on how much can we forward them. Do not forget, we can also learn from their fresh ideas, new approaches.
  • Organise your own workshop! Invite 8-16 colleagues to discuss a specific topic related to the application of symmetry (or just its absence, distortion, breaking, …) in your field of interest.
  • Any further idea to enrich the program of the Festival is welcome.

Proposals are welcome by e-mail