First step: please, visit the Call for submissions.
Second step: please send your (extended) Abstract (by 25 December, 2018.) and your Full Paper (by March 15, 2019.) to the address. For this purpose, use the downloadable style-sheet and give your all necessary data in its heading under the title and your name. The Extended Abstract cannot exceed four B5 size pages in the given format.
The Full Paper is recommended to be approx. between 6 and 20 pages in the given format, including figures and references (in the given format). Please, save it under the filename: Yourname_SF19_Abstract or Yourname_SF19_Paper (.doc, .docx or .rtf are preferred. Example: Symmetrist_SF19_Paper.doc)
Your Abstract proposal will be peer reviewed. We will notify you about the review. Then:
Third step: you are asked to submit your full paper in the same format, using the same style-sheet. The final papers will be peer-reviewed and you will be notified again.
Earlier submission could facilitate the efforts of the editors to publish the papers by the opening of the Festival.