- David Banney (University of Newcastle, Australia): Crystallising Wagner – Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking in the Tristan Prelude
- György Darvas (Symmetrion, Hungary): A Symmetric Adventure Beyond the Standard Model – Isotopic Field-Charge Spin Conservation in the Electromagnetic Interaction
- Kristóf Fenyvesi (University of Jyväskylä): Symmetries in the Schools, in the Exhibition Halls and Out in the Open-air: the Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement in Symmetry Education
- Paul Hildebrandt (Zometool Inc., USA): Hands-on Symmetry Using Zometool
- Wolfgang Hornfeck (Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum, Köln): A permutation approach to crystal structures – In memoriam Arthur L. Loeb
- Dezső Horváth (CERN, CMS, Genéve; Wigner Physics Centre, Hungary): Hunting the Higgs-boson: is it found at LHC?
- Pieter Huybers (Delft, Structural Morphology Group): The Roundness of Polyhedra
- Koji Miyazaki (Kyoto): Graphic representations of multidimensional quadratic hyperstructures
- Carlo Sequin (U. C. Berkeley, CA): Symmetrical Immersions of Low-genus Non-orientable Regular Maps
- Meir Shinitzky (Weizmann Insitute, Israel): Global asymmetry of space and time