The Symmetry Festival is a science and art program series, the most important periodic event (see its history) to bring together scientists, artists, educators and practitioners interested in symmetry (its roots, what is behind, applications, etc.), or in the consequences of its lack.
Character of the event: Festival
This means, an organic combination of a multidisciplinary scientific program in science-arts-technology and various cultural events.
The program includes:
Scientific conference, workshops: Symmetry 2013
Performances: Music, Movement, Multimedia, Movie, Theatre,
Community programs,
General Assembly of the ISA,
Social events
The Symmetry Festival is an event series organised by the
under the auspices of the
International Symmetry Association
and under the patronage of the
The Symmetry Festival 2013 is hosted by the
and the
- Two Nobel laureates (G. ’t Hooft and H. Kroto) read keynote lectures,
one of them will lead a workshop where you can make buckyball models hand by hand with Sir Kroto, - you can learn the latest news on the hunt for the Higgs boson and its predicted related supersymmetric particles,
- can be part of the celebration of the centennary of Suprematism in the West,
- take part at symmetric community programs,
among which - you can join us to build a large-scale DNA ZomeTool model with collective efforts, and have you known about the surprising asymmetries of water, and that it is responsible, among others, for asymmetries in essential molecules of life?;
and further, have you known that musical harmonies are closely related to symmetries of nature?;
and so on…